Grow through what you go through.

Renee Rotkopf is a transformation coach with a diverse background in business and wellbeing.

She was a creative director in New York City's top advertising agencies, and after 20 years she felt a new calling to pursure her passion, and help others do the same.

A Soulpreneuer's Journey

Renee's story starts in 2000 as her career in advertising was growing, she was also determined to make a meaningful impact in the world. With a strong passion for equality and human rights, Renee had a vision to create wedding ceremony to kick off the gay pride parade in New York City. A ceremony that would honor love and commitment, and also act as a stand for equal marriage rights for all. This vision led her to co-found The Wedding Party, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting equal marriage rights for the LGBTQ+ community. 

For 5 years in a row, this event grew bigger and stronger. It defused the politics around gay rights by bringing gay and non-gay people together to celebrate common values. And brought the real faces behind the issue into people's living rooms with news coverage from all of the country and the world.

At the same time, Renee was facing some challenges of her own as she was climbing the corporate ladder as a women in the creative industry. While she loved the creative process, she did not love the politics or feeling less than because she was a women. Over time she found it increasingly difficult to "play the game", and knew that her soul was calling her to pursue a more meaningful career that could help others.

She knew she wanted to establish a meaningful career, have more freedom in her life, and make a difference in people's lives. Driven by her passions, Renee immersed herself in all the studies that she loved like Mindfulness Meditation, Hypnosis, Neurolinguistic Programming, Havening, Breathwork and Astrology. Soon she found herself armed with resources and an intuitive connection that she never had before and unlocking her potential.

In 2018 she embarked on her soulpreneur journey, ready to step into her own authenticity, and help others do the same. After 6 years of twists and turns, she realized that becoming a "Soulpreneur" was her hero journey. Now she shares her experience, passion and intuitive insights to help others unlock their potential. 

As a transformation coach, Renee guides her clients on transformative journeys of self-discovery to empower their future. Her work is marked by compassionate clarity, which allows her to create a supportive environment for growth and change. 

Are you ready to make a positive change in your life?